Jerry Coyne
Why Evolution is True
Excerpt: In less than a year, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) has completely abandoned its mission.
As U. Chicago law professor Tom Ginsburg points out in a Chronicle of Higher Education piece, however, the AAUP, however, has taken several positions within the last year that are either inimical or orthogonal to academic freedom. To put it frankly, the AAUP has become authoritarian, adhering to “progressive” politics and abandoning those precepts that it once adopted to further academic freedom.
John Warner
Inside Higher Ed
Excerpt: Together, we should be clear on what President Donald Trump is trying to do to higher education.
Destroy it. Whatever public rationales he or his administration release, the intent of his actions is clear, so if we’re going to discuss responses to those actions, we must remember, always, that Donald Trump is trying to destroy higher education.
Greg Lukianoff
The Eternally Radical Idea, Substack
Excerpt: Over the past couple of months, I’ve explored how (despite numerous, contradictory, and ridiculous accusations to the contrary) FIRE has been able to remain non-partisan even in an era punctuated by intense partisanship. I also tried to turn that reflection into advice for others on how they can do the same.
By Daniel Diermeier and Andrew D. Martin
Chronicle of Higher Education
Excerpt: American research universities are vital to the nation’s economy, security, and democratic systems. Their capacity for research and innovation is unmatched. They offer students a proven path to higher wages and career advancement. If they are properly focused on their core purpose, universities are an essential training ground for civic life in a pluralistic society. At a time when everything is contested, universities insist on reason, evidence, and truth.
With so much at stake, universities must return to their foundational purpose and recommit to the core principles that sustain them.