UPDATE: UNC Chapel Hill’s clarification on DEI task force reignites FIRE’s First Amendment concerns

June 07, 2023 1 min read

By Harrison Rosenthal
Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression

Excerpt: In a recent turn of events, FIRE’s understanding of actions by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s School of Medicine regarding recommendations from a diversity, equity, and inclusion task force have come into question.

Today, FIRE wrote UNC a second time, reiterating our commitment to ensuring this public university meets its binding legal obligation to respect faculty First Amendment rights.

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Also in National Free Speech News & Commentary

N.C. Universities Have Cut 59 Positions Since DEI Policy Repeal

September 12, 2024 1 min read

Ryan Quinn
Inside Higher Ed

Excerpt: North Carolina’s four-year public universities have eliminated 59 positions and “realigned” about 130 more since the University of North Carolina Board of Governors repealed the system’s DEI policy, according to a newly released summary from the UNC system.

In May, the board voted 22 to 2 to repeal and replace its policy with one that doesn’t mention race. The board required universities to report on their efforts to comply by the start of last week, and the UNC System released the results from this “equality certification” Wednesday.
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Commentary: Bungled protest responses leave students confused, worried about campus speech

September 11, 2024 1 min read

Sean Stevens
The Eternally Radical Idea

Excerpt: This past spring, FIRE’s College Free Speech Rankings survey was in the field when the encampment protests began. This gives FIRE the ability to analyze how student attitudes about free speech changed in response to the encampment protests. FIRE also conducted a separate survey on the encampment protests at 30 of the 251 ranked schools during the months of May and June.

The data from these two surveys offer incredible insight into how students reacted to the encampment protests. Among other things, they reveal that administrators on many campuses across the country have lost the trust of their students when it comes to free speech on campus.
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Attacks on higher ed could portend Southern ‘brain drain,’ AAUP says

September 10, 2024 1 min read

Laura Spitalniak
Higher Ed Dive

Excerpt: In August, regional AAUP conferences surveyed 2,924 faculty members from twelve Southern states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Roughly 60% of survey participants hold tenure.

Over half of faculty cited salary concerns and their state’s political climate as factors pushing them to pursue other employment, at 56.5% and 53.3% respectively. And 49.6% cited concerns over academic freedom.
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