Response From Princeton Alumni Weekly’s Editor

October 03, 2023 1 min read

1 Comment

Peter Barzilai ’97, PAW Editor
Email to Princeton Alumni Weekly Subscribers

Editor’s note: This is letter that was sent to PAW email subscribers affirming the magazine’s editorial independence. We believe it may be of interest to PFS subscribers as well.

Shortly after the November cover article on Edoardo Almagià ’73 and the Princeton University Art Museum published on PAW’s website, I noticed a comment reacting to the story on social media: “Aren’t alum magazines supposed to be all puffery?”

Not all of them. PAW, as we like to remind everyone, is editorially independent, one of the precious few that can claim this. Some Princeton alumni are skeptical. They write us and want PAW to be critical of the University about free speech or campus construction or student mental health or how it makes and spends money. We do report on these issues and others on a regular basis and in an unbiased way. It’s fair to argue whether we should go deeper into certain topics or news events.

Click here for link to full letter

1 Response

Paul Terpeluk
Paul Terpeluk

October 12, 2023


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Also in Princeton Free Speech News & Commentary

Commentary: The Whole Student: Can We Talk To Each Other?

July 23, 2024 1 min read

Jess Deutsch
Princeton Alumni Weekly  

Excerpt: While 120 hostages remained captive and the death toll in Israel and Gaza continued to rise, President Christopher Eisgruber ’83 described the last year as the “most turbulent and difficult on college campuses in the U.S. since the late 1960s.” With world news weighing heavily this spring and campus protests broadcasted widely, I wondered about the impact of the war and protests on the mental health impact Princeton students and alumni.

At Princeton’s encampment, students seemed to talk within their own bubbles or make statements using a megaphone. Students, faculty, and staff often walked by, heads down. As the semester was ending, more than one student who had no involvement told me they couldn’t wait to leave campus, scared to say the wrong thing. I worried about the conversations that didn’t happen.
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Campus Indoctrination’s Costs Outweigh Unintended Benefits

July 21, 2024 1 min read

Peter Berkowitz
RealClear Politics

Excerpt: In “How Liberal College Campuses Benefit Conservative Students,” which appeared online in early July at The Atlantic, Lauren A. Wright, in the spirit of “A Boy Named Sue,” urges “right-wing commentators” to appreciate the benefits of a campus environment that ridicules, condemns, and excludes conservative views.

Wright’s contrarian contention that the politicization of higher education advantages conservatives while harming progressives puts the controversy over the nation’s campuses in an unexpected light. No doubt some conservative students do rise to the occasion. In the face of their professors’ and fellow students’ knee-jerk hostility to conservative opinions, some students who hold them will develop thick skins, acquire the ability to appreciate the other side’s arguments, and improve their skills in fending off denunciation and diatribe and setting forth their own views under pressure. But most students – at Princeton, according to Wright, “conservatives make up just 12 percent of undergraduates” – are imbued with the progressive orthodoxy promulgated by much K-12 education, public and private.
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AFA Calls for An End to Required Diversity Statements in Federal Grant Funding

July 18, 2024 1 min read

Academic Freedom Alliance

Excerpt: The Academic Freedom Alliance urges federal agencies that fund research in STEMM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine) to desist from demanding that plans to advance DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) be included in their grant proposals.

Widespread requirements for such plans in STEMM grant proposals have been implemented rapidly with far too little attention to their potential misuse, their effects on quality and integrity of funded research, and the threat they represent to academic freedom.
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