Princeton Free Speech News & Commentary

‘Rantings of a demagogue’: Parents angered by Princeton president’s graduation address

June 12, 2023 1 min read

Abigail Anthony
The College Fix
Jun 12, 2023

Excerpt: A large contingent of parents of graduating seniors who sat through Princeton University President Christopher Eisgruber’s recent commencement address described it as hypocritical and a “woke sermon” in interviews with The College Fix.
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Survey: Roughly Three-Fourths of Princeton Students Believe Shouting Down Speakers is Acceptable

June 10, 2023 1 min read

By Jonathan Turley
Jonathan Turley's Blog

Excerpt: A new survey by Princetonians for Free Speech shows that roughly three-fourths of students believe that it is acceptable to shout down a speaker. The distressing results are consistent with other studies and surveys that have been discussed on this blog. Of course, some faculty maintain that it is better to “shoot down rather than shout down” conservatives.
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Commentary: Thoughts on the Princeton Senior Survey’s finding on “Comfort Sharing by Political Views”

June 02, 2023 1 min read

By Michael Camp
Princetonians for Free Speech

Excerpt: Recently members of the senior class at Princeton University were asked to respond to an opinion survey. Among the many questions asked, one was “How would you describe your political persuasions?” Another question asked, “On a scale from one to five, how comfortable do you feel sharing your political views on campus?” Of the total population of 1296 seniors 542 answered both of these questions.
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Commentary: On Eisgruber’s commencement sermon

May 31, 2023 1 min read

By Matthew Wilson
Daily Princetonian

Excerpt: On Tuesday, I had the privilege of watching several of my close friends in the Class of 2023 don their caps and gowns and take part in Princeton’s annual Commencement. It was an idyllic day for the occasion — the weather could not have been better, and a joyful, festive feeling filled the air as the ceremony began. All around me, parents, grandparents, relatives, and friends beamed with pride for their graduates and eagerly awaited inspiring and uplifting remarks from the individuals slated to speak at the ceremony.
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Commentary: What Eisgruber Got Wrong About Free Speech and the University

May 31, 2023 1 min read

By Danielle Shapiro

Excerpt: Watching the Class of 2023’s Commencement, I felt grateful, nostalgic, and pensive. Liminal periods implore us to consider our place within the world and the decisions we’ve made at each stage. Speaking before the graduating class, President Eisgruber offered his own commentary, praising the work of political activists for their commitment to Princeton’s motto, “In the Nation’s Service and the Service of Humanity.”
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Are Diversity Statements Illegal?

May 31, 2023 1 min read

By Adrienne Lu
Chronicle of Higher Education

Excerpt: As a growing number of colleges around the country have stopped using diversity statements, a lawsuit filed against the University of California system in May appears to be the first to directly challenge their legality. Experts are divided on whether the use of such statements by public colleges will pass legal muster.
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